Conferences and Seminars
Readiness for Ministry in the OPC
The Readiness Seminars are aimed primarily at seminarians preparing for pastoral ministry. The seminars are intended to acquaint participants with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, to evaluate a man’s giftedness and readiness for pastoral ministry in the OPC, to provide a networking opportunity for seeking internship and ministry positions, and to provide instruction in ministry.
Each participant is expected to:
give a three to five minute introduction of himself before the whole group.
give a ten-minute exhortation before half the group. The exhortation is to be an exposition of a text of Scripture with appropriate application.
participate in several group “Problem Solving in Reformed Ministry” exercises.
meet individually with one of the evaluators to discuss the observations and suggestions of the OPC elders present at the conference. This interview is usually held on Monday morning following the seminar. It may also be done by phone if the participant cannot remain in the area until Monday.
If you have completed at least one full year of seminary training, you are invited to express your interest in attending one of the seminars. You do not need to be a member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. There is no seminar fee. If you live at a distance from the seminar site and are invited to attend, based on the information provided in the inquiry form, travel expenses may also be provided for you.
Church Planters Training Conference
Pastors newly involved in church planting ministries in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church are invited to attend the Church Planter Training Conference. The conference is a means of serving organizing pastors engaged in the great spiritual undertaking of establishing a new church.
The conference is intended to assist organizing pastors as they pursue their ministry. It also gives the Home Missions staff the opportunity to establish a good working relationship with each man. The conference does not seek to promote a standardized approach to church planting. Rather the Committee hopes to foster a discussion of important biblical principles and other practical matters related to starting a new church.
A main component of the conference will be the presentation and discussion of materials related to the manual, Planting an Orthodox Presbyterian Church. A year and a half was invested in the production of this manual. The Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension granted general secretary Ross Graham a sabbatical to produce it. But many others have had a hand in it, including the Committee, the regional home missionaries, and the chairmen of presbytery home mission committees.
In the original Preface the Committee writes, “It is with considerable rejoicing that the Committee presents this manual entitled Planting an Orthodox Presbyterian Church to the OPC. We believe this document is Biblically principled, OPC-practical, theologically faithful and sufficiently sensitive to the various points upon which we disagree.”
Conference participants are expected to have read Planting an Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
Download an electronic copy of Planting an Orthodox Presbyterian Church (PDF format).
To obtain a print copy, or to inquire about attending the conference, please contact Lauren LaRocca at lauren.larocca@opc.org
Regional Church Extension Conference
The Regional Church Extension Conference is a consultation of representatives from the Presbyteries of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. The presbyteries of the sixteen regional churches are invited to send the chairman of the home missions/church extension committee or another representative of the committee as well as its regional home missionary. These men and the staff of the Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension consult together about the church’s work of planting new churches.
The work of home missions in each regional church is reviewed. Biblical principles related to the establishment of new churches are studies together. Funding for the work is planned.
Participation in this conference is by invitation only. Inquiries may be directed to lauren.larocca@opc.org.