Finding the Locations of Vacant Pulpits.

The Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension has been assigned by the General Assembly with the responsibility of posting on this website a Vacant Pulpits List containing the names and contact information of OP churches whose pulpits have been declared vacant by their presbyteries. If you are looking for a ministry position in the OPC, downloading and reviewing the Vacant Pulpits List is a good place to start.

If your congregation has recently lost its pastor and you are their representative in the search for the man of God’s choosing to be their new pastor, please email

Guidelines for Calling a Pastor

The 43rd (1976) General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church requested the Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension to develop guidelines for congregations to follow in discovering, evaluating and calling a pastor. A subcommittee of the Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension studied this request and developed a list of Guidelines for Calling a Pastor for use by the churches and presbyteries.